Corporate Policy & Legislation

Customer Charter

Full Customer Charter 

Customer Charter Summary

Privacy Policy

South Gippsland Water values the privacy of our customers. The Information Privacy Act 2000 identifies the need for the Corporation to act with due diligence with regard to privacy (in accordance with applicable legislation). View our Privacy Policy below:
Privacy Policy

Privacy Charter

Privacy Complaint Form

Statement of Obligations

Under the Water Industry Act, the Minister for Water made and issued a Statement of Obligations to Victorian Water Corporations

Statement of Obligations General 20 Dec 2015 – (SoO)

Issuing Statement of Obligations (Bulk Water Reform)

Statement of Obligations (Emission Reduction) 2022

Gazettal 2022

Model Water Restriction By-Law Number 8


Water Restriction By-law 8

South Gippsland Water revokes Water Restriction By-law 7

In accordance with section 287ZC of the Water Act 1989, South Gippsland Water hereby gives notice that it has made a by-law, titled ‘Water Restriction By-law 8’, pursuant to sections 171 and 160 of the Water Act 1989.
Water Restriction By-law 8 is made using a Model Water Restriction By-law issued by the Minister for Water on 4 March 2022. The Water Restriction By-law 8 is made in relation to restrictions and prohibitions on the use of water that may be imposed in the Water Supply Districts of South Gippsland Water.
The purpose of the by-law is to:
a. promote the efficient use and conservation of water; and
b. set out four stages of restrictions on the use of water; and
c. specify things which must not be done while each stage of restriction persists; and
d. specify principles for considering applications for exemptions from particular restrictions;
e. prescribe offences and penalties for the contravention of the by-law, including for which an
infringement notice may be served; and
f. prescribe classes of persons for the purpose of issuing infringement notices.
A copy of the by-law is available for inspection by visiting South Gippsland Water’s website; or arranging a time for inspection at our Foster office 14–18 Pioneer Street, Foster by emailing

Water Restrictions Model By Law 8

Freedom of Information

The Freedom of Information Act allows the public a right of access to documents held by the Corporation. South Gippsland Water is considered to be a “Government Agency” under the terms of the Act. Accordingly, it is required to comply with the procedures that have been prescribed and the Corporation’s Freedom of Information policy guidelines. Decisions to release information are made by an Authorised Officer.

For more information on Freedom of Information visit here.

Public Interest Disclosure Act 2012

We are committed to the aims and objectives of the Public Interest Disclosure Act 2012 (the Act). We do not tolerate improper conduct by our employees, officers or members, nor the taking of reprisals against those who come forward to disclose such conduct.

We recognise the value of transparency and accountability in our administrative and management practices and support the making of disclosures that reveal improper or corrupt conduct.

We will take all reasonable steps to protect people who make such disclosures from any detrimental action in reprisal for making the disclosure.

We will also afford natural justice to the person who is the subject of the disclosure.

  • What is improper or corrupt conduct?
    Improper or corrupt conduct is defined as:
  • corrupt conduct and/or
  • any of the following conduct by a public officer or public body in their capacity as a public officer or public body:
    • a criminal offence
    • serious professional misconduct
    • dishonest performance of public functions
    • an intentional breach or reckless breach of public trust
    • an intentional or reckless misuse of information or material acquired in the course of the performance of public functions
    • a substantial mismanagement of public resources
    • a substantial risk to the health and safety of one or more persons
    • a substantial risk to the environment
    • conduct by a third party that adversely affects the honest performance of a public officer or public body or is intended to adversely affect effective performance of a public officer or public body while obtaining an advantage for the third party, and/or
    • conduct by a third party that could constitute a conspiracy or attempt to engage in any of the above.

Corrupt conduct is defined as:

conduct, or an attempt or conspiracy to engage in conduct that:

  • Adversely affects the honest performance of the functions of a public officer or public body;
  • Constitutes or involves the dishonest performance of the functions of the public officer or public body;
  • Constitutes or involves knowingly or recklessly breaching public trust;
  • Involves the misuse of information or material acquired in the course of the performance of a public officer or public body;
  • Adversely affects the effective performance of the functions of a public officer or public body that results in a person obtaining a specified benefit

How do I make a disclosure?
In accordance with Section 13 of the Act, we are not able to receive Public Interest Disclosures. Any person who has reasonable grounds for believing that improper or corrupt conduct has occurred can make a disclosure in writing or by telephone directly to the Independent Broad-Based Anti-Corruption Commission (IBAC).

Contact Details
Independent Broad-Based Anti-corruption Commission
Level 1, North Tower, 459 Collins Street, Melbourne VIC 3000
Telephone: 1300 735 135
General Manager Corporate Services
South Gippsland Water
PO Box 102, Foster 3960
Telephone: 03 5682 0444

Reporting Suspected Fraud or Dishonest Conduct by a South Gippsland Water Employee

South Gippsland Water strives to ensure financial management and stewardship of customer monies occurs with integrity and in accordance with the law at all times.  If you identify, or suspect, any instances of an South Gippsland Water employee potentially engaging in fraud or any form of dishonest or improper conduct relating to use of South Gippsland Water property, equipment or money, or gaining improperly from customer or business relationships in connection with their employment at South Gippsland Water, we encourage you to report so immediately. You may report your concerns in any of the following ways:

  1. In writing, marked Private & Confidential, to “The Chair”, Board of Management South Gippsland Water, PO Box 102, Foster, VIC 3960 or to the “Managing Director Board of Management South Gippsland Water, PO Box 102, Foster, VIC 3960”
  2. Report the matter to police
  3. Report directly to the Independent Broad-based Anti-Corruption Commission as above

Any matter may be reported anonymously but note this may impact on the ability to investigate fully. Any matter reported will be treated with the fullest level of confidentiality possible.

Energy & Water Ombudsman Victoria (EWOV)

If customers have made a complaint to South Gippsland Water and we cannot resolve this, customers can turn to the Energy & Water Ombudsman. Customers should seek to resolve their complaint or problem with South Gippsland Water initially.

The EWOV operates on an independent industry-based Ombudsman model. The process is informal, rather than legalistic, and based on the process of alternative dispute resolution.

Often described as external dispute resolution, because they are independent, impartial and external to South Gippsland Water. The aim is to achieve fair and reasonable outcomes, having regard to good industry practice and the law.

While available to all customers, EWOV was essentially set up to assist residential and small business customers. There is no charge to customers for the ombudsman services.

EWOV Phone: 1800 500 509 (Freecall)

Other Policies & Plans

Customer Complaints and Disputes Resolution Policy

Equity, Inclusion, Diversity Strategic Plan 2021

Gender Equality Plan 2022-25

Gifts, Benefits and Hospitality Policy

Gift Register July 2024-June 2025

Gift Register July 2023_June 2024

Dam pre-release and surcharge policy

The purpose of this policy is to define South Gippsland Water’s operational practices in relation to pre-release and surcharge of our dams during significant rainfall events.

Dam Pre-release and Surcharge Policy

Legislation and By-Laws
Water Act 1989 – website
Safe Drinking Water Act – 2003
Australian Drinking Water Guidelines
Statement of Obligations

Regulatory Agencies

Partner Organisations